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Supporting Social Enterprise

March 15, 2022

FES is delighted to support a local Renfrewshire social enterprise start up, ‘My Student Years’, as part of the AMIDS district heating network project.  Working with our partners in Renfrewshire Council and Engage Renfrewshire, FES Operations Director, James Reid identified My Student Years as an exciting opportunity to provide financial support to a local community initiative.

The project aims to improve mental health and preparedness first year university/college experience of young people leaving school in Renfrewshire by supplying relevant, appropriate information and skills.

Over 27% of students report having a mental health issue while at university.  Sally Sandground, founder of My Student Years believes this can be addressed through an online University Preparation Course focusing on areas critical to being mentally and academically prepared for the reality of studying and living independently.  The course will include academic skills, money, independent living, and job knowledge.

The project is aiming to support up to 25 school leavers from two Renfrewshire schools who have applied for university or college places starting in 2022.  The anticipated outcomes of the project include mental and physical wellbeing, increased first year satisfaction, reduced dropout rates, and improved course results.  These outcomes will also have a ripple effect within the families of the supported students.

The project will also provide valuable work experience and skills for the My Student Years team of student volunteers.

FES believes that the idea of supporting students transitioning from secondary education to further education, by teaching & providing guidance in life skills will fundamentally provide real community value. We look forward to watching Sally’s organisation grow over time in her goal of supporting the local Renfrewshire community.